Events team member: Charlotte Cook

Charlotte joined the timebank in 2019 after reading an article in The Washington Post about her friends, SSTB members Mary and Al Liepold. After some successful exchanges - offering rides and getting computer help - Charlotte decided to get more involved in the timebank. As she says, "If I join something, I don't just join in name. I have to do something with it." Since the spring of 2020 (the start of the pandemic), Charlotte has been a member of the Events team, planning the Social Walks which help our members safely meet with others while walking on beautiful trails in our area.

In her role as Social Walks coordinator, Charlotte connects with members who express an interest in leading a walk. They work together to confirm the location, date, and time, and Charlotte writes up details for SSTB’s social media. After the walk, Charlotte writes up a brief summary to share in the newsletter.

The Events team meets virtually each month, and Charlotte attends when she can to help brainstorm ideas for upcoming activities. She appreciates these meetings because they give her “an insider’s ear to events” so she can plan ahead to attend virtual socials and activities of interest.

Charlotte enjoys the work she does for the SSTB - she likes organizing people and creating spreadsheets with details. Naturally an introvert, Charlotte has found herself doing more outgoing things because of her timebank involvement.

With Charlotte’s help, the timebank has offered 7-8 Social Walks since the start of the pandemic to places like Brookside Gardens, Lake Needwood, and Buddy Attick Lake in Greenbelt. Many thanks to Charlotte for sharing her time and skills with the SSTB!

The Silver Spring Timebank is looking for more members to help on a monthly or quarterly basis, or even just once or twice a year. And, you earn a timebank hour for every hour you give. Current open jobs include:

  • Writing an article for our quarterly newsletter

  • Posting updates to our website

  • Posting events to our Facebook page

  • Organizing or leading an online or in-person social event, like a Virtual Social or a Social Walk

  • Mentoring a new timebank member

  • Leading a virtual Orientation and Refresher session

If you've got 1-2 hours to offer each month, every other month, or even a few times a year, please let us know. We'll get you connected to a job that fits your interests and gains you timebank hours too!