The Big Idea

The Silver Spring Timebank is open to anyone who lives, works or plays in Silver Spring, Maryland. The concept is simple. Help a neighbor with a service and earn a timebank credit for each hour of your service. In exchange, you can spend your timebank credits on any of the many services that other members offer. Services are exchanged using time instead of money.  

Using the hOurworld software, the Silver Spring Timebank catalogs the skills and interests of individual and organizational members in our community, and members are able to connect with each other to offer and receive services. Members record exchanges to track their total timebank hours.  


Types of Services

The types of services offered in the timebank are as varied as the skills and interests of the community. Click the below button for a listing of current member services. Once on the page, click any category in gray to see the kinds of related services currently offered by members. The detailed offers are viewable only by members:  

Video Explaining the Silver Spring Time Bank

Thanks to Silver Spring Timebank members Simone Fary and Robert Lawhead for their work in creating this video.

Video Explaining Timebanking

Hear about Timebanking from its founder Edgar Cahn