Exchange story with a twist

From Laura Kranis

I ordered a specialty medical gizmo for dogs from a company in California, and I needed it fast.  Too many days later, it was still "In Transit" (per the tracking number).  Then, I got a message from another of the company's customers. She tracked me down because she had received my item instead of her own:  My item, my name, but her address (several hours away). She kindly offered to mail it to me, but I didn't want to wait. 


I considered driving there, but maybe an SSTB member would want to earn a bunch of hours in one day by picking it up? I wrote to a few members who had posted transportation offers and quickly heard back from Christine Tetrault who was game to make the trip. We agreed: She would earn hours, of course, and I would reimburse her for gas and tolls -- and let's throw in a Starbuck's Venti for each leg of the trip. 

I called the woman who had my package to let her know a friend from my community timebank would come the next day. 

"Great... Wait. What is this 'time bank' of which you speak?"  

I gave her my usual timebank "elevator pitch."  

"Why haven't I heard about this before?!" she asked. "I need to do this." 

So we checked the timebank directories for the ones closest to her. There were three -- all just a little too far north, east, or west to be practical for her to join. I told her she could start a new one, not expecting much of a response, but she said, "I can get my neighbor to help me do that."  I sent her all kinds of resource links and told her to hang onto my name and number for questions or support. 

The next day, she welcomed Christine and invited her inside (masked and socially distanced) to play catch with her dogs. Before heading back out, with my package, Christine did yoga stretches on the living room floor as the dogs looked on with great interest. She made one quick stop on the way back: the new Shiatsu massage chair available for use at one of the rest stops. That and audio books made it a more pleasant trip.

After her long day of driving, Christine brought the package right to my door. I'm so grateful. And who knows? Maybe someday there will be a whole new timebank community, thanks, in part, to Christine's willingness to help.