Member Spotlight: Mindy and Fred Shuback 

Mindy and Fred Shuback have been a part of the Silver Spring Timebank for about a year, which is also how long they’ve been in Maryland. They moved to Silver Spring from Detroit, Michigan back in June, 2019 to be closer to their daughter and grandchildren. The change was a big one, but being close to family is a huge priority for both of them, and they’ve been able to spend a lot of time with theirs since moving here.

Mindy and Fred found out about the timebank through the treasurer of their homeowners’ association, Connie Bevitt. Connie is a founding member of the Silver Spring Timebank, and she loves talking about it. Right away Mindy and Fred thought the concept was a great one! They did many exchanges when they first signed up, including baking, driving people to the airport and receiving advice about their lawn.

The couple have many skills to share, and hope they can use them to help others after the pandemic is over. Mindy loves to cook and has taken several culinary courses. She is especially interested in keeping kosher, and has a lot of pointers to share. Before retirement, she was a pharmacist, so she knows a lot about medicine. She is willing to help folks clean out their medicine cabinets and can even share some details about different medications.

Fred is a pro at finding unclaimed property. He has helped his son-in-law find a significant amount of money just by pointing him in the right direction. He also is proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, and has taught classes on utilizing the various programs.

Since the pandemic hit, Mindy and Fred have taken a break from time banking. They are in the high risk category and want to make sure they stay safe and healthy during this dangerous time. They still manage to keep busy though while self isolating! They both take classes at Montgomery College. Fred is taking a stand up comedy class and a comedy writing course. Mindy is learning to appreciate art, analyze elections based on current events, and perfect her piano playing. They are also avid bridge players and enjoy exercising regularly. 

Spending time with family is still a high priority for the couple, and they have managed to see them, just at a distance. They’ve had family dinners on the porch and went on outings to apple orchards. There is still a lot they can do together while staying safe. 

Mindy and Fred are looking forward to participating in timebank exchanges again soon. But in the meantime, they will spread the word about the Silver Spring Timebank. They’ve had a great experience and think others would too!