Matches and Members buttons - give them a click!

It's easy to overlook some helpful hOurworld shortcuts. Here's one:

The Matches button: It's that hand-shake icon at the bottom of many posts you find through the Offers or Requests tabs.

If you see an Offer and click on Matches, you will see all Request posts under the same service category and sub-category. (And vice versa for matches for Request posts.) Example: You see a request for a dog-walker, and the request has a Matches button. You click on that to see the current dog-walking offers in our timebank.

The Matches button is a bit of a shortcut, bringing you straight to a list specific to the sub-category you want. This may be especially useful in categories with many sub-categories, such as the Garden/Yard category which has 22 sub-category options, as different from one another as Flower Arranging and Worm Composting.

A few caveats:

- When you find a post through the Offers tab or Requests tab, you may see the Matches handshake icon. However, when you see that same post through the New Offers and Requests on the homepage, you may see a Members button instead. This serves the same purpose as the Matches button!

- These buttons don't appear on your own posts on your member page, so don't assume you have no matches if you don't see the buttons.

- Also, some good matches may not show up if posted under a similar but different sub-category.

The bottom line: There are lots of ways to find what you want on hOurworld. But if you see the Matches or Members buttons, give them a click! You may find just what you're looking for, in a flash!