Can I do exchanges with people from other Timebanks? What services can we trade if we don’t live near each other?

Yes! The hOurworld software allows us to do “Inter-trading” (a.k.a. “Global”) exchanges with members of Timebanks all over the world! Inter-trading widens your audience for your local offers and requests. Inter-trading is also a great way to earn hours if your special talents aren't in demand locally – or to receive services that aren’t offered locally. In addition, inter-trading helps you connect with the broader Timebanking community; it brings the world a little closer.

Inter-trading is most often used for services (1) fulfilled from afar and (2) in the areas of language, writing/editing/clerical, tutoring/counseling, tech, or other specialized knowledge areas (by email, phone, or skype).

But with a little creativity, there are untold possibilities!

Examples of “Outside-the-box” Inter-trading Offers and Requests:

• Join me for a foraging tour of New England: I’ll show you edible plants you’d normally overlook.

• Would you be our tour guide in Auckland NZ?

• Seeking home-made vegan meals in these cities on these dates. (Driving cross-country.)

• Help with the oil spill cleanup in the Gulf! I can’t get there, myself, but I can give you hours.

• Send me a photo of your home. I’ll send you a pen and ink drawing of it.

• Is there a book lover near Missoula MT who can visit my grandmother once a week? She likes historical fiction, and she’d love to chat.

Not all offers or requests are appropriate for Inter-trading at a distance, however. For example, an offer to deliver groceries is not likely to be appreciated by members of a Timebank 3000 miles away. So please consider that when posting.